How to Maximize Your SEO Copywriting Strategy 

Online marketing and e-commerce depend on the ability to attract customers to your website and funnel them toward opportunities to buy your products or services. If nobody can find your website, even the best marketing message will fall flat. If the people who find your website aren’t the ones who want to buy your product, they won’t be motivated to learn more about your product or purchase anything.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tailors your web page(s) so that a lot of people who are searching for products and services like yours will find your page at the top of their browser’s search results.

Having a stellar SEO copywriting strategy engages your website visitor, helping answer their questions and offering solutions along the way.

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Formulate and Keyword Research Your Theme

A goal of SEO is to write copy that drives organic traffic, people genuinely searching for a topic, toward your website. The first step is identifying the main topic. For instance, if you are selling a non-fiction book about marketing, “marketing non-fiction” could be your topic.

The next step is to do keyword research. Online tools can help you generate keywords, or you could find keywords by analyzing the inbound traffic to your site. Images, links, and other aspects of the content can reinforce the central purpose. For example, if the purpose of a blog post is to announce that a car dealership is having a sale to reduce inventory, pictures of the dealer’s lot filled with cars and links to the searchable inventory reinforce the central message.

Understand Your Customer’s Journey and Provide Answers Along the Way

Once you have a list of keywords, the next step is writing content that features those keywords as naturally as possible. Keywords can also occur in the meta description, such as title tags that accompany images. Simply filling a page or blog post with keywords or “keyword stuffing” will not fool the Google algorithms and will hurt your search rating.

Creating content for your website that is of genuine interest to the target audience provides a satisfying user experience so that it will get likes and social shares on social media platforms. If we consider a case study where the main target keyword is “non-fiction marketing,” the keywords could be “marketing history,” “marketing biography,” “marketing textbooks,” and so on.

Use a Call to Action to Generate Leads and Increase Sales

It is not enough for the right people to read a piece of content. It should lead them to the next step in your customer’s journey. Your web pages should include calls to action such as “call our dealership today” or “Click Here To Shop Our Inventory.”

The call to action should eventually lead your visitors to purchase the product or at least keep the product in mind so that they will be more receptive to follow-up advertising. When creating a call to action, support the call by using introductory text and persuasive, genuinely helpful information that primes the audience to be receptive to the call to action before they receive it.

Click here to give your website the power to drive action with the help of ArcMinute Marketing.

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SEO for Small Businesses and Automobile Dealerships

ArcMinute Marketing provides SEO and marketing services for localized small businesses and automobile dealerships. We help our clients by generating localized SEO-friendly website content.

We have industry-specific knowledge of car dealership marketing, the consumer behavior of car buyers, and the business needs of automobile dealerships. Our winning formula for car dealerships has been put to work for other local businesses and professionals.

Michigan SEO Agency | ArcMinute Marketing

ArcMinute is a comprehensive marketing agency that supports every step of its client’s online marketing campaign. We have experience with industry best practices in website design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), analytics, paid search, display advertising, social media, and other innovative marketing strategies. We can help your small business scale up through an efficient marketing campaign aimed at increasing your market share.

Request a professional SEO audit from ArcMinute Marketing or call 734-359-7147 today!

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