Google’s Helpful Content Update | What You Need To Know

Google’s Helpful Content Update | What You Need To Know

Google’s Helpful Content Update Now Done Rolling Out

Google’s helpful content update was recently finalized that started in December 2022. This update is set to introduce sweeping changes to the SEO world and how content is created and ranked. As a result of this update, content creators must now think differently about how they create and optimize their content for search engine algorithms.

To stay ahead of your competition, implementing new content based on these new updates with a professional marketing team like Arcminute Marketing is the first step. In this blog post, we’ll give you an overview of what’s new with the update, as well as some tips for optimizing your content in 2023.

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Why is The Update Happening?

Google’s content update was designed to improve user experience by creating more helpful and relevant content across the web. This major overhaul of search engine algorithms intends to penalize low-quality and unhelpful pages while giving higher priority in search rankings to those with genuinely useful information. The aim is also to reduce duplication and ensure that each piece of content adds something unique or valuable to the discussion. The goal is to have content that speaks to a human and not an algorithm.

What’s New With the Update?

One of the biggest changes that will come with the content update is an increased emphasis on quality over quantity when it comes to website optimization. Websites will still need to be optimized for keywords, but there will be more strict requirements around using specific words in key areas such as page titles, headings, and subheadings. Any duplicated or generic information will be seen as evidence that a website’s content isn’t providing value for readers.

The new content-ranking system will also consider user engagement metrics when ranking pages. Pages with more shares, likes, comments, or views will be given higher priority in rankings. This means that social media integration should become even more important for SEO success moving forward.

Google has also introduced a new form of continuous scrolling within their search results. This feature allows you to keep scrolling down the search engine results without needing to click any additional pages.

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Tips for Optimizing Helpful Content

To ensure your website ranks well after Google’s helpful content update, here are some tips you can use:

  • Make sure all your pages are optimized according to their purpose. Do not copy/paste generic text from other websites or replicate everything your competition is doing!
  • Make sure you use targeted keywords in appropriate places (titles, headings, etc.), but keep it natural. Don’t force it if it doesn’t fit!
  • Integrate social sharing into your pages. This allows users to easily share your work on their own profiles/feeds. This helps build up organic links as well as engage readers!
  • Keep an eye on analytics. This will allow you to know where traffic is coming from and which pieces of content were most successful. Then you can tailor future posts accordingly!

Get Helpful Content at Arcminute Marketing | Schedule A Discovery Call

Google’s helpful content update is sure to make significant changes in the way we create and optimize our online content moving forward. It pays off to stay ahead of these changes by making sure your website follows closely to the best practices focused around these updates. By taking measures of adding social media integrations, using targeted keywords appropriately, and monitoring analytic results, our team at Arcminute Marketing can ensure your website and business thrive despite these algorithmic developments! To learn more,  schedule a discovery call, or contact us at 734-359-7147.

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