Adding Arcminute Marketing as a Manager to Your Google Business Profile

Step 1: Sign In to Google Business Profile

  1. Visit
  2. Log in with your Google credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Business Profile Settings

  1. Find your Google Business Profile on Google Search.
  2. Click the three stacked dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Business Profile Settings.”

Step 3: Add New Users

  1. In the People and Access section, click “Add” in the top left.

Step 4: Enter Email and Choose Access Level

  1. Enter the email address:
  2. Under the Access dropdown, select “Manager.”

Step 5: Send the Invite

  1. Click “Invite.”
  2. Arcminute Marketing will receive an email with the invitation. Once accepted, we will be able to help manage your Google Business Profile.