How To Use Business Listings And Local SEO To Dominate Google’s Search Results

Business Listing | Where to List My Business Online

What Are Business Listings and Local SEO? | Why Do They Matter For Your Business?

It was typical just a few decades ago for everyone to have a phone book. Over time, technology has moved that collection of contacts to an online registry with data called business listings and local SEO, which are summaries about companies that include information like address, phone number, size, online activity, and more.

Having and optimizing your business listing is essential for running any business today since search engines use them to recommend businesses every time someone looks for something online. If you don’t have a business listing, or your listings are outdated or irrelevant, the search engines will not favor your business.

Read on to learn how to use business listings and local SEO to expand your business’s visibility and dominate Google’s search engine results page.

How to Make Sure Your Business is Listed Correctly on Google and Other Online Directories

The most crucial step in perfecting your business listings and local SEO is to make sure you have business listings in the first place. Luckily, setting yours up on Google is a straightforward process:

  • Sign into Google Business and your Google account and create a new profile
  • Complete the profile with your business’s name and address
  • Select your Google Maps location
  • Fill out as much of the profile as possible for maximum business listing data

Unfortunately, completing business listings for search engines other than Google isn’t as easy. But local SEO services from ArcMinute Marketing will quickly get your business on the front page of several search engines and directories.

The Best Techniques for Optimizing Local Listings for Maximum Impact

  • Constant Updates: Search engines want to make sure their recommendations apply to consumers and will bury business listings that don’t have up-to-date information. Make sure everything from your business address to your hours of operation are accurate for the best results.
  • Interacting With Customers: Utilizing Google Business tools like the posts feature to update customers on deals and sales helps you reach more people and shows search engines that you’re still active.
  • Professional Help: The SEO experts from ArcMinute Marketing know what search engines want from business listings and will build highly-effective ones for your business based on the never-ending updating criteria.
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How Often Should Local SEO Be Reviewed?

You should review your local SEO content daily. Hiring an SEO company to manage your SEO can reduce your responsibilities, so you can focus on running your business.

Search engines scan business listing databases every day for activity and credibility. If you neglect your business’s local SEO even for a handful of days, the search engines will recommend more responsive businesses. Working with a professional SEO company puts you ahead of the game without worrying about daily check-ups.

Tips For Creating High-Quality Content That Will Rank Well in Search Engines

  • Focusing on Shareable Content: The perfect blog or social media post will attract attention from new customers and can even get them to trust your products or services. If that post reaches only one person, its impact on your business will fall flat. Producing content on universal topics that are easy to share will encourage people to circulate those posts and bring in more people.
  • Utilizing Everything at Your Disposal: Sometimes, creating content that resonates with your customers requires more luck than anything else. Casting a wide net with every tool available in an efficient way, including website pages, social media posts, Google Business posts, and many other available items that can show up on the search engine, will give posts a better chance to rank higher.

Strategies For Building Links Back to Your Website

If done properly, backlinks tell search engines that the linked content is credible, valuable, and the publisher is a trusted active source they can recommend to searchers.

Finding the right amount of backlinks to have is the key, and you have to get them the right way; by creating informative and engaging content. For example, if you write a well-thought-out blog post with a topic that a broad target audience wants to know about, it’s more likely to earn a backlink.

Local SEO Services at ArcMinute Marketing

Managing business listings and local SEO is a constant chore that many business owners can’t spare time for between their already-busy schedules. ArcMinute Marketing will take that responsibility off your hands and deliver unbeatable SEO services.

Our Michigan SEO company offers small business SEO services for small business owners to reach and build their growing customer network. 

Contact us today to speak with a marketer at (734) 263-1890 to request an SEO audit.

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