What Is Content Marketing?

As social media platforms become a significant way to reach customers, traditional marketing is increasingly ineffective. Content marketing has become the new way to connect with customers by targeting them directly and providing information and entertainment that keeps them coming back.

ArcMinute Marketing is a leader in this new world of SEO content marketing, providing a strategic approach for our clients that focuses on creating and distributing consistent, relevant content that customers value.

What is content marketing, you ask? Well, read on to learn more and see what our Michigan SEO agency can do for your small business.

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The Benefits Of Content Writing

If you wanted to summarize the benefits of content marketing in one word, it would be “increase.” Content marketing strategies improve your business’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO), increasing your organic ranking on search engines. This, in turn, increases traffic to your website and the potential for sales and promotion.

This marketing strategy also builds trust with your audience, who are current or potential customers. As engagement increases on social media platforms and through email marketing, the general awareness of your business’s unique brand increases. Steady, reliable, relevant content also strengthens your brand’s identity and presence online.

Your business’s expertise and image are set apart from others in the industry, and your opportunities for sales increase. Content marketing also supports your ability to generate leads cost-effectively. Many marketing strategies are very expensive with little return, but high-quality content marketing can generate leads with a better return on investment.

The Types Of Content

Small business marketing and consulting agencies have many types of content marketing mediums and strategies from which to choose. The key lies in knowing your small business, knowing your target audience, and understanding the marketing advantages and disadvantages of each type of content marketing.

Blogs represent one of the least expensive, most effective ways to improve your website SEO. Customers continue to look for answers to questions, and a focused, relevant blog that is well-organized and SEO optimized can quickly turn searchers into followers and customers.

Videos also offer an inexpensive way to engage your audience quickly. Audiences want to see the brands they support. With platforms including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and more, reaching customers with video is versatile, engaging, and powerful.

Other content marketing types include:

  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Podcasts
  • E-books
  • How-to guides
  • Reviews
  • Memes
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Tactics For Creating And Distributing Content

Once you create your marketing strategy, you need to distribute it. Businesses can do this in various ways through a variety of channels.

For example, you have a blog for your business website. Blogs have enormous potential for increasing organic visitor searches when you include the right keywords and phrases. That’s where SEO marketing experts like ArcMinute Marketing come in. We can help you target the keywords and phrases that will increase your SEO and direct the organic audience to your website.

You also want to promote your blog through other channels. Email and social media platforms are ideal places to promote your blog. You may share your URL through your social media channels or invite your audiences directly to visit your website. You could also engage them directly through posts or videos discussing topics relevant to your business.

Ad campaigns on social media also provide an option to generate leads and attract new customers.

Measuring The Success

What is content marketing doing for my business? Measuring the results of your marketing efforts remains crucial to helping your business grow and succeed. As an SEO agency near Ann Arbor, we provide monthly ArcMinute Analytics Reports to our clients, including information from all your marketing channels.

Pulling together data from all these platforms, including website traffic, most-visited pages, keyword rankings, and more, we help you determine what parts of your marketing strategy are working, which need work, and when you need to expand or move your marketing in a new direction.

Michigan SEO Agency | ArcMinute Marketing

What is content marketing, and what can it do for my business?” If you’re interested in what content marketing can do for your business or are ready to boost your small business’s rank on Google, we will help you.

At ArcMinute Marketing, we help small businesses improve their visibility on Google and other search engines by providing high-quality written content that serves both client and customer bases. If you are looking for relevant, consistent, engaging blog content writing for your website, contact or speak with a marketer today at 734-263-1890 or request an SEO audit.

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