Watch: Google’s Year In Search 2020 Video

In 2020, we searched ‘why’ in many ways. Watch: Google’s 2020 Year In Search video

In a year that has challenged individuals, companies, and communities on many levels, we searched ‘why’ more times than ever before. With over 3.5 billion searches on Google each day, Google search trends provide a societal look in the mirror.

2020’s top ‘Why’ related searches:

  1. why can’t I sleep
  2. why is it called covid-19
  3. why is mars red
  4. why is the moon pink
  5. why is parasite so good
  6. why is the nba postponed
  7. why am i so tired
  8. why are school closed
  9. why is toilet paper sold out
  10. why is australia burning
  11. why are there so many fires
  12. why is the sky orange
  13. why are people protesting
  14. why black lives matter
  15. why is empathy important
  16. why is democracy important
  17. why do people dream

2020’s top 10 searches in the United States were:

  1. Election results
  2. Coronavirus
  3. Kobe Bryant
  4. Coronavirus update
  5. Coronavirus symptoms
  6. Zoom
  7. Who is winning the election
  8. Naya Rivera
  9. Chadwick Boseman
  10. PlayStation 5

Each year Google produces a ‘Year in Search 2020’ video aiming to tell the story, of the year. View it here.

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