Google Trends

Google Trends – Search Volume Tool

Are you interested in what your customers are searching for? Then we recommend you spending some time with Google Trends.

It is a free tool provided by Google that lets users get basic insights and trends for search trends within their market.

Using Search Trends To Improve SEO

Savvy SEO’s know how to use this tool to obtain a high-level look at a target customer’s search behaviors. This information can be extremely valuable when creating a successful SEO strategy. It can direct what pages should be created or which pages need to be revamped on a website.

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Customer Journey Focused Marketing

Understanding a customer’s search behavior can help marketers understand their customer’s journey. Customer journey focused marketing is a process that involves building a sales and marketing experience that addresses key moments through a customer’s shopping and purchase process.

We recommend using the tool to look up the questions that your customers ask you.

Digital Marketing Agency | ArcMinute Marketing

Since 2017, ArcMinute Marketing has worked with businesses to connect with customers through the search engine.

Can we help you? Schedule a Discovery Call today!

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