Free SEO Audit | Learn If Your Business Is Performing

A Man in a Suit Looking at a Computer Screen With Colleagues | Free SEO Audit | Learn If Your Business is Performing | Arcminute Marketing

How Do I Know If My Website Is Performing? 

You’ve invested money in an optimized website to generate more leads, but how do you know it’s working? With a free SEO audit by Arcminute Marketing, you’ll better understand how your website is meeting your desired performance metrics and where it still needs improvement.

Without a trained eye and professional audit tools, you’ll have difficulty identifying and analyzing your SEO performance. Thankfully, we offer free website audits so you can stay aware of SEO issues that could derail your business goals. After a site audit, you’ll know exactly what steps to take next.

What Is an SEO Audit? 

An SEO website audit includes a detailed examination that assesses every area of your website’s search engine friendliness. It identifies which areas of SEO performance are accomplishing your goals and where you should tweak your strategy. 

An SEO audit encompasses a wide range of factors, including:

  • Technical SEO: Technical SEO includes using the right keywords in the right context and with the right concentration.
  • On-site content: This includes high-quality, relevant, and authoritative content your customers love reading.
  • Off-site content: An audit takes into account non-website content like your level of organic traffic and backlink profile.

With such a comprehensive approach to gathering data and assessing your website’s performance, you can improve your SEO performance from all angles.

Why Is an SEO Audit Important for My Website? 

Don’t underestimate the value of an SEO audit. It’s an essential component of optimizing your digital marketing strategy.

Even if your audit identifies areas of weakness in your website’s performance, consider it an opportunity to further optimize it and increase your customer base, profit, and brand visibility.

A detailed audit can reap the following benefits:

  • Helps you gain the edge over your competitors in search engine results
  • Improves user experience so they’re more likely to book an appointment
  • Identifies areas where you can further optimize your SEO strategy
  • Helps communicate the necessity of SEO to your investors or management

As a small business owner, you know the benefit of making data-backed decisions to grow your business, and an audit helps.

What Metrics Can Be Tracked in an SEO Audit? 

When you schedule a free SEO audit, we examine the following performance metrics:

  • Indexing and crawlability, which determines a search engine’s ability to access and catalog your website
  • User experience, such as how fast the page loads and how easily customers can navigate it
  • Site architecture, which deals with the hierarchy of pages
  • Competitor benchmarking, which compares the performance of your competitor’s website
  • Keyword research to know whether to alter the focus of your content
  • On-page SEO, which improves the rankings of individual pages on your site
  • Backlink profiles, which measure the number and relevance of links to your website from other sources

With these measurements, we can improve user experience and website performance even further.

How Can I Get a Free SEO Audit? 

At Arcminute Marketing, we make scheduling a free audit a simple process. To start, fill out our form to schedule your free audit. As part of our offering, we often include the benefit of a preliminary analysis of your current marketing strategies.

During the audit, we’re confident we’ll find areas where you can improve your current strategy. While our free audit puts you under no obligation to continue working with us, we find our work speaks for itself. 

If you want regular audits, consider investing in our Engage SEO tier. In addition to including a quarterly audit, you can track the performance of your competitors, receive new weekly content, obtain monthly reports, and more.

Get a Free SEO Audit at Arcminute Marketing 

Do you want all the benefits of an SEO audit without any obligation or cost? Arcminute Marketing provides comprehensive audits that can effectively find areas where you can improve your digital marketing strategies.

Our expert staff has generated over 16,000 leads for local small businesses and written over 400,000 words of original content. With regular audits and a top-tier SEO strategy, there’s no predicting how many new leads we can generate for you.

We can’t wait to show you what we can do for your business. If you’re ready to schedule your free SEO audit, contact us today. Learn more now.

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